Casualty Treaty Group

Underwriting Homepage

IUA Contacts:
 Tom Hughes    Joe Shaw
The IUA's Casualty Treaty Group provides a regular forum for senior casualty underwriters in the London company market.

Download the Casualty Treaty Group's Terms of Reference

Per Claimant Capitalisation Calculator

The IUA's Casualty Treaty Group published a model per claimant capitalisation clause, which outlines a practical methodology for the calculation of a capitalised value of a bodily injury claim that has been the subject of a periodical payment order (PPO). 

IUA 02-037 Capitalisation Clause
IUA Per Claimant Capitalisation Calculator (Version 2024)
IUA Capitalisation Calculator User Guide (Version 2024)

IUA Capitalisation Calculator Worked Example (Version 2024) 

UK Motor Excess of Loss Questionnaire

A Motor Excess of Loss Questionnaire is drafted annually by the IUA's Casualty Treaty Group. The questionnaire forms the main part of renewal or new business submissions on motor excess of loss treaty business and contains information a reinsurer needs to assess a risk. Please use the link below to download the latest version of the questionnaire. Past versions are available upon request.

2023 Motor Questionnaire